Chicken Pox like red foot mark could be a Symptom of the COVID-19 Corona virus has spread all over the world. Scientists are busy in synthesizing a vaccine for corona virus but have not yet achieved success. Meanwhile, several new symptoms of corona are also emerging. According to a report by a foreign news agency, another new symptom of the corona virus has emerged, which states that if there is a specific red mark on the feet, it may be a sign of the corona virus. Experts claim that scars on your feet can be a warning sign of the onset of the virus. A team of Spanish experts is investigating after seeing cases where people with sores on their feet, who had chicken pox-like marks on their feet, were later tested positive for Covid 19. Experts at the Spanish General Council of Official Podia Street Colleges say it could be the first symptom of a deadly virus that has infected millions of people so far. In a statement, experts said that several cases of coronavirus patients wi
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