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How hot is weather on Earth's neighboring planets?

Weather of Earth's neighboring planets

Imagine spending a vacation in a place where winds blow at more than 8,000 kilometers per hour lead melting high temperatures.
Whether good or bad, temperature is a permanent fact of our planet and it becomes more severe in space.
Let's take a look at the temperature of our surroundings means our neighboring planets.


Venus is the worst place to live in the solar system. It looks like hell in a sense. Its atmosphere is very deep and is saturated with carbon dioxide. Venus's air pressure is 90 times higher than Earth's.
Due to this reason, the sun's radiations get trapped in its atmosphere and the temperature on Venus can increase up to 460 degrees Celsius. So if you go there you will be burnt and crushed within seconds.
Rain on Venus is of sulfuric acid that can burn anything even cover of spacesuit. Due to the extreme temperature of the planet, this rain evaporates before it reaches the surface.
But along with that, there is also the amazing snow on Venice. But this is not the kind of ice that you can make and throw at each other. These are actually the remaining metals that evaporate in the atmosphere of Venice.


Uranus and Neptune are on the opposite sides of Venus. These are the largest planets made of gas.
The planet is the farthest from Earth and contains frozen methane clouds and the most dangerous winds blow here, which travels faster than the speed of sound.
Due to its smooth surface, methane can not slow down winds and they travel at a speed of  2,400 kilometers per hour.
When something goes faster than the speed limit, an explosive sound is produced and you can easily hear it at the surface of Neptune. At the same time, you will also experience the rain of diamonds due to the depletion of carbon in the atmosphere.
But you will have no risk of hailing diamonds on the head, as a temperature of negative 200 degrees Celsius will freeze you.
Neptune has the wildest and strangest weather in the entire Solar System. It has huge storms with extremely high winds. Its atmosphere has dark spots which come and go and bright cirrus-like clouds which change rapidly. Neptune has an average temperature of -353 Fahrenheit (-214 Celsius). On Earth sunlight drives our weather, but Neptune is so far away that it receives a thousand times less sunlight than Earth does. How Neptune gets the energy for such intense weather is still a mystery

Planets outside the solar system

According to a researcher at Warwick University, the upper atmosphere of Venice is probably one of the best places to live away from the earth. He said that above the clouds of sulfuric acid comes a place where the pressure of the atmosphere is like that of the earth.
According to him, "You will not be able to breathe in this atmosphere, but if you wear an oxygen mask, you may have spent time in this place".
Loudon specializes in exoplanets or planets orbiting outside our solar system, especially on the planet HD 189733b
HD 189733b  is at a distance of 63 light-years from us and is deep blue in color. Its weather is probably more dangerous than any other planet. Beautiful to look at, but dangerously dangerous.
The speed of winds reaches up to 8,000 kilometers per hour and this planet is 20 times closer to his sun than our earth, so the temperature in its atmosphere is 1600 degrees Celsius, which is like molten lava. On this planet, the rocks of our earth will turn into liquid or vapor. Furthermore, rain of molten lead falls on this planet from all sides.
Landon says that Earth-sized planets revolve around stars called 'M. Dwarf' or 'Red Dwarf' in the universe. But life is possible for them or not is another question.
For a planet to be sufficiently warm and to have a liquid here, it is important that the duration of its orbit and its rotation on its own axis should be the same. This is called tidal locking and our moon rotates around our Earth according to the same principle.
Therefore permanent sunlight appears on one part and permanent night on the other of the earth.
'When computer models are made, it is seen that storms enter the area from day to night. During the day any liquid like water will evaporate and will become a cloud, at night it will freeze, and then snowfall will occur. So we'll have a desert on one side and an arctic on the other. "


From observation of climates of different planets, we can say that there is no other place like earth to live in and life is not possible at any other planet discovered so for.


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