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Useful Tips to Remain Happy in Stressful Situations like COVID-19

With the global outbreak of the Corona virus, large populations around the world have been forced to stay in homes. The borders are closed and the global economy is in constant decline. It is not surprising that there is anxiety, future uncertainity and a feeling of stress.
However, there are some prescriptions that can keep you motivated and help you to be happy even in these situations.
Understanding the science of emotions is not an easy task and a lot of researches have been done. Dozens of psychologists share suggestions that can help solve the problem of mental stress.A few of them are

Divert attention

It is a natural practice to talk over and over again on a topic that concerns you. Whether it's the Corona virus, climate change or something else.
The prescription that can come in handy is to keep yourself and your colleagues away from such conversations.This keeps blood pressure in control and relieves the mind.

Meditation  if Necessary

In this time of stress, meditation may be helpful for many people. But it does not work for everyone.
Some people get distracted as soon as they are quiet. It is natural to fall into deep thought in the process of calming the mind. Such people should focus on something other than meditation.

Review the Situation

Our feelings are directly related to our perception of our circumstances. For example, the player which goes on the field thinking, 'I have to win.' If he starts the match with the idea that winning is everything, then losing in such a way seems like a complete failure.
The player who comes off the field thinking that he will 'play his best' is less affected by the defeat. Feelings of defeat and suffering are different for both players.
We need to consider how we can use this method on our own.In stressful situations instead of considering the consequences, the best way is to adapt you to your circumstances and set reasonable expectations from yourself.
Do not take tension of the results which are not in your control.The situation  not in our hands,we often abuse ourselves of not trying to overcome it.

Don't Force Yourself to be Happy

Forcing them to be happy can have negative effects.
The more we focus on our happiness, the less we focus on the happiness of those who live with us. Doing so can put you in isolation. Being isolated from others can push you into depression. Finding happiness and feeling that time is running out is a natural process.
And anyway, if you force yourself to be happy and still not happy, the feeling of failure can lead to frustration and sadness.

Think of the Little Acts of Joy

To improve your mood, think about the things that make you happy. Sandy Mann, a lecturer and author at Central Lancashire University, has written about keeping up with his day-to-day calculation in his book, "Ten Minutes to Happiness."
His strategy is based on 'positive psychology'. As a result, we can keep our mood in mind by thinking about the small pleasures of our day.
According to experts, you can find happiness by spending just ten minutes each day on the following six questions.

What experiences have made you happy?
What were you told about this?
At what moments did you feel you were lucky?
What experiences, small or large, do you consider to be your success?
What do you feel grateful for?
How have you shown a sense of sympathy for someone?

When we write about these things, we remember all the things that make us happy.

Keep Cleanliness

If you are in Quarantine, use this time to clean your home. There are many benefits to setting up a home.
It is difficult to concentrate on a task when the home is scattered. If you are working from home, your clean environment helps you finish work faster. Just as it is difficult to fall asleep in a dilapidated bedroom, a neat environment is linked to a focus on work.
Although not everyone wants to live or work in a clean environment. Many people feel comfortable when there is so much stuff around them.

Positive Use of Social Media

There is always good news on social media and all kinds of news. It is also the most up-to-date information space around the world.
Try not to take your phone to your bedroom. Also decide for yourself how much time you have to spend on social media throughout the day. That way you can protect yourself from the many negative thoughts on social media.

Go for Outing if Possible

If you live in a very busy city, try to stay away from the crowds for a few days. You can even go out of town. But do this only if you are confident that outside the city you will be able to maintain social distance.
People living in cities are more likely to see mood problems than rural areas. Improved open sky and clear water mode


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