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How Birth Order Affects Personality?

In spite of sharing genes and environments, siblings are often not as similar in nature as one might think. But why these differences are produced?
Frank Sulloway author of Born to Rebel says, "Birth order only explains a small part of who we are, but personality changes definitely exist between siblings."He further says, "These are the roles siblings adopt that lead to differences in behavior. And parents tend to reinforce these roles, whether they realize it or not.
Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychotherapist and founder of individual psychology, suggested that birth order leads to differences in siblings. He said that a child's personality, intelligence, and success depend on his or her birth order or number in family.
Adler said the order of birth of a child affects his personality. The reason is that parents treat younger and older children differently
He also believes that comparing children to others makes them feel inferior and should be avoided.
Here are the characteristics of different types of children and some of their celebrities.

Firstborn or oldest children

Because older children often take care of younger siblings, they are more caring, responsible, trustworthy and intimidating. It has also been observed that older children have a glimpse of their parents' thoughts and habits. They like to spend time with older people and their biggest quality is that they are born leaders which is reflected in their work.
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Harry Potter series writers JK Rowling, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton are the eldest children in their family.

Middle children

 Middle-aged children in the family are generally peace-loving because they are constantly ignored. The middle girl often seems to please people because of her lack of attention compared to her siblings and younger siblings. Parental attention is usually focused on the family's beloved firstborn or child. In addition, "middle children are in the most difficult situation because they leave their older brother." The virtues of middle children are people-friendly, somewhat rebellious, foster friendships, large social circles, peacemakers, creators, socialists, libertarians, and good helpers.

Founder of Pakistan Sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Creator of Pakistan Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, British Princess Lady Diana, famous American President Lincoln, founder of the theory of evolution Charles Darwin, founder of Microsoft Bill Gates, the richest man in the world Warren Buffett, founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, famous singer Madonna are also children in the middle of their family.

The youngest children

The youngest child is often thought of as self-centered, cunning, funny, entertaining, and charming.

The youngest child is often thought to have to work hard to gain attention and maintain his independence and is different from his siblings. Second (or third, or fourth, or fifth); The youngest children are most freely motivated by the increasing eloquence of their parents. They develop their own ways of winning attention. She has a natural charm with an outgoing, sociable personality. Their discipline is likely to be minimal. The virtues of young children are that they are fun-loving, uncomplicated, manipulative, retiring, attentive, selfish.

Mahatma Gandhi, Angelina Jolie, and Cameron Diaz were the youngest in their family.

Only Children

Lonely children are often thought to be self-contained, independent, love-seeking, and intelligent. Because they do not have younger or older siblings, Tuan's personality often has the characteristics of an older or younger child. Being an only child is a unique place. Without competing with a sibling, the only child has a monopoly on his parents' attention and resources - not just like a firstborn for a short time, but forever. In fact, it makes an only child something like the "first of the elders": only children have the honor (and the burden) of having parental support and expectations on their shoulders. Thus, only children are perfectionist, honest, diligent, and mature than his age. Famous only children include Maria Sharapova, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tiger Woods, Condoleezza Rice, and Catherine Hicks.


A social scientist and researcher at the University of California say firstborns are more similar in personality to firstborns in other families than they are to their own younger siblings and that youngest children are often more similar to the youngest child in another family than his or her own elder siblings. He says this is because the family is not as much a "shared environment" as a set of niches that provide siblings with different outlooks.

Conley agrees but stresses that these are just general trends -- and that the whole birth-order theory can be turned on its head depending on the child's personality, the age gap between siblings, and the family circumstances each child experiences during his or her formative years.


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