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What is happiness and what are its 5 key elements???


Man is not born with a handbook. And unfortunately, our perceptions of well-being often turn out to be wrong. Many people learn the hard way that neither extravagant shopping nor a piece of chocolate cake provides lasting satisfaction. But how can we achieve health if it is not achieved by suddenly getting something good?

What is Happiness?

In her 2007 book, How to Happen, Positive Psychology researcher Sonja Lubomersky described happiness as "the experience of happiness, contentment, or positive well-being, combined with the feeling that one's life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile." ۔ "
The Oxford English Dictionary defines "happiness" as: "The state of being happy."
Not exactly what we're looking for, maybe we need to try something else. The Oxford English Dictionary's definition of "happy" is a little more helpful: " feeling or showing pleasure or satisfied."
Therefore, it is a state of feeling happy or expressing happiness or contentment. From this definition, we can gather some important points about happiness:
Happiness is a state, not a trait. In other words, it is not a lasting, permanent feature or personality trait, but a much faster, changing condition.
Happiness is equivalent to feeling pleasure or contentment, meaning that happiness is not confused with joy, ecstasy, bliss, or other more intense emotions.
Happiness can be either a feeling or showing, which means that happiness is not necessarily an internal or external experience, but it can be both.

Elements of Happiness

Tom Rath, author of Four International Best Sellers books, discovered the truth about happiness or its interdependent nature through a comprehensive Gallup study. The researchers asked participants from more than 150 countries questions about their personal health, wealth, relationships, jobs and communities. These responses show that in order to truly prosper, the individual must thrive in five interconnected areas of life:career,social, financial,physical and community. But only 7% actually do.
The tendency to achieve perfection in one area of life is one of the reasons why people think happiness is deviant, when what is really missing is the interaction of different key elements. Here are some ways to overlap these five areas, and how you can work to bring them into harmony.

1.Career Well-Being 

Rath notes that there is an internal and powerful link between a person's career and well-being."Getting a career in life or pursuing a career that you really know every day can be the most important factor in your well-being. Lack of career satisfaction is a weight that can sink a person's overall sense of well-being quickly, even if the financial payoff is large.

Boost your career well-being

Find ways to use your strengths every day to enhance your career satisfaction. Rath also recommends spending time daily with someone who shares your mission and encourages you to grow.

2.Social Well-Being

The dynamics of the well-being relationship are also present in the work environment. But social well-being is not just about our work relationships. In fact, it is harmful to rely on one person or one area of ​​life to provide for all your social needs. Research has shown that people who have at least three or four close friends are healthier, have better well-being and are more engaged in jobs. But the absence of any close friendship can lead to boredom, loneliness and depression.

Boost your sense of Social Well-Being

Rath recommends spending six hours a day socializing, including socializing at work as well as emailing, talking on the phone, texting, or spending time with family. The personal and professional contacts you make will pay off for your overall well-being.

3.Financial well-being 

The extent to which money plays an important role in welfare is not necessarily related to income. "The people who had the most financial prosperity were, by no means, the richest people. They were the ones who paid off their debts and were very conservative over the years," says Rath. Surprisingly, violent minded people are burdened with their debts, but those who earn more face less financial pressure than their counterparts.
Rath describes a man which he and his team interviewed. He was a former minister who had paid off all his debts and had learned to spend his money on experiences and time and with family and friends. He bought a camp and enjoyed a life free of people's financial hardships.

Boost your sense of financial well-being

Buy experiments instead of material things. Holidays and classes offer more lasting rewards because you look forward to them in advance, enjoy them when they arrive and relive the memories. The temporary novelty of a new suit or designer bag is not compared. Giving to charity and spending money on others also promotes lasting emotion. In fact, studies show that the same regions of the brain are activated when we receive money (based on FMRI brain scans) and activated more when we give money to community organizations.

4.Community well-being

A forgotten element in many people's pursuit of happiness is philanthropy, which provides a great sense of happiness, especially in trying to meet our own needs. Rath called community well-being "the difference between a good life and a great life." Rath says the joy she met while researching whaling was a man in her 80s who volunteered her time in the community. Although he enjoyed a successful career, Rath notes one of the person's top priorities and has always been a source of satisfaction to his community.
In addition to liking where you live, feeling safe and having basic things like standard air and water, you should choose to live in a group that suits your personality and interests. After choosing the right place, the best predictor is how much people will enjoy their communities, whether they choose to join groups and how they choose to give back.

Boost your sense of community well-being or Happiness

 Identify ways you can engage with individuals and groups in your community. Minimal affiliate communication, such as hosting events or occasionally joining service lists, can dramatically enhance your sense of community well-being. You will feel more connected and in a position to influence the lives of others.

5.Physical well-being 

After all, physical health can provide the foundation for other areas of life. If a person exercises regularly, the resulting increase in mood helps him to perform better at work, spend more time in the community and contribute to the community. Rath cites a number of wellness studies that show that sleeping well, exercising and choosing healthy foods can have a huge impact on energy and alertness.

Boost your sense of physical Well-being 

Exercise at least 20 minutes every day. Rath recommends exercising quickly throughout the day to help improve your mood.

Additionally, strive for a balanced diet that includes plenty of natural foods. Although the interdependence of five factors may make it difficult to achieve happiness, especially when each requires a different set of skills to master, success can be measured in increments. Focus on what you can do today to improve your life in the long run. Doing so will lead to a life that is rich, rewarding, and caring for others - the essence of well-being.


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