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How Immune System of Pakistanis Defeating COVID-19??

As we all know that COVID-19 has become a sign of terror and death for the whole world. American and European countries are badly affected from it. Despite modern and latest medical instruments and medical facilities they are unable to control the attack of COVID-19.On the other hand in Pakistan the COVID-19 cases are very less from expectations.
Deaths per million and Cases per million in USA, some European countries and Pakistan are as under:

Country         Cases                    Cases/million                                      deaths/million

USA            1,367,963                      4133                                                          244

Spain           268,143                          5735                                                          572

UK               219,183                          3229                                                          469

Italy              219,070                         3623                                                          505

France          176,970                         2711                                                          404

Germany      171,879                         2051                                                           90

Canada          68,848                          1824                                                          129

Belgium          53,449                         4612                                                          751

Switzerland    30,344                         3506                                                          212 

Pakistan          30,941                            140                                                            3

Health experts are confirming that the corona virus found in Pakistan is different and less harmful for immune system than the whole world.
Persistent malaria zone, immunization in childhood, persistence of dengue in the country have improved the immunity of Pakistani bodies.The structure of corona virus found in other countries and Pakistan is also extraordinarily different which makes the Corona virus  found here to be less harmful or lethal.
In this regard, Pakistan's leading pathologist Dr. Jamal Nasir says that the corona virus is  being defeated by the strong immune system of the people of  our region.


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