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Tips for a healthy home environment

Five easy ways to make our home environment healthy

There are 7 million deaths every year in the world as a result of air pollution and it does not seem possible to get rid of this situation.
Nine out of ten people can avoid a variety of diseases, including stroke, lung cancer and respiratory diseases, with the help of easy ways to breathe in a healthy atmosphere.
Microscopic particles of pollution are always around us and can harm us, especially if we are indoors.
According to a study by the US Environmental Protection Agency, indoor pollution is often two to five times higher than outdoor pollution.
According to Matthew S. Johnson, Chief Science Officer at Air Labs, indoor air is as polluted as outdoor but also adds other pollutants inside the house, including materials used in house construction, items used for cooking and cleaning.
We can improve your indoor environment by some simple tips, some of them are as follows:

1.Arrangement for the entrance of fresh air

Contaminated air stays inside the house as a result of improper routes for fresh air to enter the house.
Experts suggest to open windows and doors about two to three times a day for fresh air in the home.
If you do not have any allergies and the weather is not too severe outside, you can use an indoor air drainage system, including a filtered air conditioning system.
Also, if you are cooking or taking a bath, use an exhaust fan to expel unhealthy particles and excessively moist air.

2.Keep plants indoors

If you can't afford expensive air purifiers, then you can keep plants indoors.
According to experts, some plants can clean the unhealthy components of the air and they are an effective means of purifying the indoor air.
Although some experts say that there is no research evidence for this theory, at least plants make it a pleasant feeling for you.
Here are some of the plants you can keep indoor:

Money Plant

This plant is easy to grow and care for and helps remove harmful chemicals from carpets and lubricants.

Dragon Tree

This tree is found in East Africa and is used for decoration in homes and offices. This tree also helps to remove harmful chemicals from the air.)

Snake plant 

This plant needs more water especially in winter season. This plant absorbs carbon dioxide at night.
The most important thing to keep in mind about any plant you keep in the house is that these plants naturally clean the air and it is important to keep them healthy because otherwise they will start spreading biological pollution in the air.

3.Eliminate odors in an environment friendly way

We need to know about the materials used in construction materials and whenever we try to remove it with artificial fragrance, it results in the release of more chemicals.
That is, they react according to the wind and make potentially dangerous cut tails.
For example, household cleaning equipment or tools that are not environmentally friendly and can emit formalin dehydrate chemicals that can be linked to diseases such as cancer.
We should use non-scented products for washing clothes and stop using pressure sprays to clean the carpet and remove the odor from the air.
When it comes to kitchens, lemon slices and baking soda should be used to eliminate the bass.

4.Avoid smoking indoors

Smoking is harmful in itself and is extremely harmful if done at home.
Collective smoking in the home can have serious effects on the indoor environment, especially if the ventilation system is improper.
Cigarette smoke is extremely harmful to others nearby and can lead to serious illness.
If there are newborn babies in the home, smoking can cause their sudden death.

5.Get rid of allergens

There is a risk of getting sick as a result of pollen and dust particles and especially if you have respiratory disease, pollen allergy and other types of allergies.
Due to the humidity in the air, it spreads rapidly in the air and can affect people who may have lung disease.
According to experts, there are simple ways to solve this problem:
  • Clean your bed regularly. 
  • Clean your carpet and try to use an eco-friendly vacuum.
  • Dry your clothes near the window.
  • Put nets on the front door to prevent contamination from the outside.
  • Use a device that removes excess moisture from the air.


  1. It was informative at this pandemic situation. Definitely indoor plants are better when we are affordable to grow outdoor.

  2. Bundle of thanks for ur valuabla appreciation

  3. Good One Buddy !
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  4. Great content I must say...Clean environment is very necessary to us.. and yes u written it in well manner...I really liked your content while reading...
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  5. Good information provided everyone needs to plant a tree and you are doing the good job go on.


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