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Discovery of the Childhood house of Hazrat Jesus

 Is the cave in the city of Nazareth in Israel the house of Jesus?

According to an archaeologist, there is a "strong possibility" that a house discovered during excavations in the city of Nazareth in northern Israel is the place where Jesus spent his childhood.

Ken Dark, a professor at the University of Reading, has been researching a first-century cave discovered under a modern convent for the past 14 years.

He said that archaeologists were first told about the house of Jesus, Mary and Joseph in the 19th century.

However, in the 1930's, archaeologists rejected the idea.

The site was almost forgotten, but in 2006 Professor Dark launched a program to re-research it.

He said: 'I did not go to Nazareth to find Jesus' house. I actually went to research the history of the city as a Byzantine Christian shrine.

He said that the ancient basement-like cave is under a Byzantine-era church, which goes under the Sisters of Nazareth Convent.

He says: "We know from written evidence that this church was built in the Byzantine period on the site of Jesus' house and that this place of residence is safe in this cave.

"This is definitely the Church of the Nutrition, which was planned by the upbringing of Jesus and mentioned by 7th century pilgrims."

Professor Dark said that according to his research, this house existed in the first century. He said the building was built by cutting a rocky hill.

He said that whoever built this house had a good idea of ​​stone work.

According to the archaeologist, all of this does not prove that this is the house of Jesus, but "perhaps we can't go any closer than that."


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